Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Good Evening, Friends!!!!

Today was an especially great deal of fun, as we had much to celebrate!!

Thank you, Debbie, for the "ginormous" foam stickers -- the kids made crowns to match Kirsten's, continued to decorate jack-o-lantern cut-outs, (for eventual display), and created artwork of their own choosing -- the cupcakes were delicious -- and, of course, we took lots of photos!! :)

Liz is truly a natural with children, and, sang, with the Butterflies and Puppies, "I Have a Little Turtle" and "Today is Monday" -- along with Kelly and our little ones, she worked on finishing-up the tale of "The Royal Family".

I read "There Was an Old Lady that Swallowed a Bat" -- ("imagine that!!") -- written by Lucille Colandro and illustrated by Jared Lee and "Three Friends/Tres Amigos", at John's request, written by Cristina Brusca and Tona Wilson and illustrated by Cristina Brusca.

At Activity Time, we continued collage work, played with old-fashioned wooden toys, did puzzles, read books and more!!

Everyone was outside, shortly after lunch, just as our friends from the LABB Program arrived, with their new Teacher, Tina Johnson.

We have begun decorating for the season, which you may have noticed -- I tend to get very carried away with holidays and festivities of all kinds!!

It is really a joy to teach a group of children that thoroughly enjoy stories, singing and dancing and art projects!!

Tomorrow presents us with another opportunity to make positive differences in the world!!

Love Miss Peacock XOXO :) :)


Dear Families, Friends and Blog-Followers,

Although our High-Schoolers were unable to come by, yesterday, as planned, Liz Dolham began, at our School, which really brightened-up the day for everyone!! :)

(I took some photos of Liz singing and dancing, with the children -- as always, "Tooty-Ta" was a big hit!!)

We read "The Scary Show of Mo and Jo", by Hanoch Piven, for the second time, as well as "Mean Soup", a favorite already, as the kids added, to the cauldren, such things as jellybeans, clothing, a witch, fake spiders and more -- it was supposed to be served for afternoon snack?!?!

As well, we sang one of our good morning songs, in order to introduce the Butterflies and Puppies to Liz.

Kelly and Liz continued, with the children, writing and illustrating "The Royal Family", Tammy performed "Caps for Sale", once again, and we all painted a spotted butterfly, mixing colors, and stamped both farm and jungle animal "footprints" onto paper -- I, perhaps, went overboard with paint, yesterday, but, I believe that the final products will be worth the mess!! :) :)

We began decorating pumpkin cut-outs, for a display, and, just before I left, the children finally got some time, outdoors!!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Dear All,

Yesterday was oodles and oodles of fun, as Mrs. Devlin and our high-school friends were escorted over to the New Center at about 12:30 -- and -- guess what -- they will all be joinging us, again, today -- arriving at about 10:00 AM!! PARTY TIME!!!!

AND, Liz Dolham begins, this morning, as well -- YAHOO!! WELCOME, LIZ!!

More supplies and toys were delivered from the High School, as well, and some of the children played on themed mats, while others practiced decorating paper pumpkins, among other things!!

The story of "The Royal Family" continues, as does the singing and dancing!! (Tooty Ta is spelled with a "y" -- my apologies.)

We took a nature walk, just before lunch, complete with binoculors and magnifying glasses.

Ms. Downing has arranged for a field trip to the High School, to Cosmetology, for the kids to sit in salon chairs and have their hair washed (!!) -- more information is forthcoming.

(Oh -- and -- thank you, Kelly, for posting our updated themes and photo of Fenway!!)

The afternoon may have incorporated "goop-making" on the deck!!


Friday, September 25, 2009


We now have at least six families following the blog, and continue to receive new viewers, every day -- thank you!! :)


Dear Everyone,

As much as I thoroughly enjoy the warmth and (partial) abandonment of routine during the Summer months, I look very forward to the luscious smells and tastes of Fall, such as apple pie, pumpkin coffee, cider doughnuts, and, of course, halloween treats -- there will be a great deal of fun, to be had, in October!!

But, as for the remaining days of September . . .

Toward the middle and end of the week, Mrs. Goell brought-in stuffed animals sewn back to perfection, and, baked delicious pumpkin bread, with the children -- "yummalicious", as my Noelle would say!! (I believe that Kelly distributed the recipe.) And, Tammy, as well, performed her oh-so-loved rendition of "Caps for Sale!!" -- Tammy tells the story, then, she plays the peddler, and, the children play the monkeys -- what do children love more than to mimmick adults?! TX, Mrs. Goell!! :)

Yesterday morning, I read Pumpkin Hill, authored by Elizabeth Sparr and illustrated by Whitney Martin, as a follow-up to the baking project -- a factory worker said "there is more (pumpkin) than our cannery can can!!" After reading the story, I asked the children to name their favorite "pumpkiny" foods: Pumpkin seeds, (really), and pumpkin cookies were among the favorites, along with, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake, pumpkin muffins, (with orange frosting, please), and pumpkin tea and coffee (?!) -- I threw-out pumpkin juice and pumpkin soup, but, they did not arouse much interest . . .

Today, the kids made jello stars, with Miss Downing, another fun and sweet experience involving science and teamwork -- Butterflies and Puppies, alike, measured, poured, mixed, etc., and, again, prepared their own special treat for afternoon snack.

As well, we read "It Looked Like Spilt Milk" by Charles G. Shaw, after which the children were invited to draw a shape on dark construction paper with chaulk.

We were fortunate enough to have weather that accomodated lots of outdoor play, again, these past few days, and, do hope that said continues over the week-end, and, into next week!!


Love Miss Peacock XOXO :) :)


Dear Families, Friends and Blog-Followers,

My apologies for not having blogged for the past couple of nights . . .

Once Liz Dolham begins teaching at our Center, we plan to, again, distribute daily reports for all of your children, at which point, blogging may be done a couple of times a week -- until then -- I am trying to blog with more frequency.

So . . . let us see . . .

Our "Dot Wall" is now complete, our "Multicultural Vine" is strung and our, (what will be, an interactive), Alphabet is hanging!!

Please enjoy the view in the front hallway, upon entering the School, on Monday morning.

Please note that tomorrow is both Arlington and Bedford Days, which should be much fun for all.

The early morning clay work was temporarily replaced by a wonderful combination of literacy toys, again, donated by Kelly and Alana -- thank you, both!!

Miss Downing, along with the Butterflies and the Puppies, have continued writing and illustrating their book, "The Royal Family" -- when it is complete, it will be placed in the classroom, and available, to children and their families, to read and enjoy.

Kel began teaching "My Mother is a Baker" -- for some, already a favorite song; discussed, with the children, our animal friends, living just outside, close to where we play; and, spent a great deal of time, with them, outdoors -- the bird feeders are up and full!! Kelly took out the hose, as well, mixed the water with the dirt, and allowed the children to have great fun, digging in the mud, which teaches scientific concepts, provides a sensory experience and encourages motor skill development.

Kevin, in his quest to respect nature, served as a "crossing guard" for a Daddy Long Legs, crossing our "bikepath" -- all of the riders stopped, to allow the spider to cross, safely -- good job, Butterflies and Puppies!!

I read one of our "big books": "What I Like About Me!!", written by Allia Zobel-Nolan and illustrated by Miki Sakamoto. When I finished the story, each child looked into the mirror and, with some help, noted one thing that makes him/her special, as described, below:

Defne and John Big brown eyes
Kirsten Freckles
Nyah Big Blue eyes
Juliana Naturally curly hair
Kevin "Dreamy" eyes
Philip Looks like his Daddy
Nicky Looks like his Mommy
Sheena Big smile
Gryffin Big Blue eyes and fun faces
Molly Beautiful fair hair and pink lips

On Wednesday, our friends from the LABB Program did visit, in the afternoon. Starting in October, they will be assisting us, regularly, on Wednesday afternoons.

Please know that Kelly has been working very hard to schedule our October Field Trip and Picture Day, both to be announced -- we may be picking pumpkins AND apples AND eating cider doughnuts, as well!!

I will write more, later, about the rest of the week!!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Dear Families, Friends and Blog-Followers,

. . . So much to say, so little time . . .

We have had another two wonderful days of outdoor adventures!!

Monday, after a delicious snack of whole wheat bagels and strawberry jam -- thank you, Kelly -- Miss Downing gathered the children together for songs, featuring "The September Song", "Make New Friends (and) Keep the Old" and "Ho-Down" (Hannah Montana!!), and, then, led everyone outside, to "pitch the tent" -- the kids were ecstatic with our new structure -- complete with a comfortable sleeping bag, stories -- (I bought more books!!) -- and finger-puppet shows -- for that authentic "camping-out" experience!!

Our Butterflies and Puppies surely enjoyed new art activities, as well, especially working with clay and on the easels, in addition to a plethora of new toys and supplies, donated by Kelly and Alana -- Thank you, both!!

And . . . today -- oatmeal raisin cookies -- Miss Downing, you spoil us, all -- :) -- !!

And . . . today -- another call from Ms. Devlin, inviting our whole school out to play -- we met-up with the Juniors, this time, as well as three Freshman explorers -- John, John and John -- (really!!) -- out on the football field, for more games and songs!!

We made a new friend, "Princy", a playful dog, who would have liked to join in our fun -- however, Miss Downing gracefully led him back to his "companion", before our "oohs" and "aahs" got out of hand . . .

As if we did not have enough fun, already, Mrs. Goell, with special guest star, Kirsten, tap-danced for everyone!! Each child had a turn to try on tap shoes and make some noise!! Thank you, Tammy!!

Earlier, during circle time, Miss Downing and our little friends created a story about "the royal family" and, then, I read "For Every Child", a book that my children and I have had for years, with an introduction by Audrey Hepburn, for Unicef, and, with artwork from a myriad of artists. After the story, I asked each child to share one way in which his/her parents demonstrated love -- the results are as follows:

Kirsten and Ellie : Getting "tucked-in" at night
Nyah, Gryffin and Tyler: Family outings at the beach
Charlotte : Hugs and kisses
John : Mommy and Daddy taking him and Cassie to school
Nicky and Philip : Mommy and Daddy taking them to play in the field
Sheena : In everything
David : Seeing Mommy and Ava at the window
Defne : Receiving unicorns

I am hoping that, after I left, today, the children were able to help the adults assemble and fill our bird-feeders.

We have almost completed the multi-cultural vine which I will hang-up, tomorrow, hopefully, and, with new putty, thanks to Kel, add something special to our wall decor.

Lastly, and certainly not leastly, thank you, Grace, for the I-Tunes Gift Card -- all of the teachers, particularly Kelly, our resident Ipod-er -- are very grateful, indeed!!

Lots and lots of love and thanks for your support and kindness!!


Saturday, September 19, 2009


Good Morning, Friends, Families and Blog Followers (!!),

As we "grow" our Center, we are already experiencing an increase in hours for several of our Butterflies and Puppies, and, for that, among many other things, we are very joyful and grateful -- thank you for entrusting us with the care of those who are most precious to you.

We have been blessed with continued good weather, which has allowed us to bring some of our activities outdoors, maximizing our time with nature.

On Thursday, Kelly brought the rockers and birdseed down from the deck, along with the diggers, and I set-up the picnic table with themed books, puzzles, toys and art activities - the children had much fun in the side yard with expanded choices.

As part of September's families, pets and animals theme, we have been using stencils and multi-cultural papers, shapes and crayons -- most of the work remains at school, and, some of it will be sent home, shortly.

We have read "There's a Mouse About the House", which is interactive, as well as "Woobie Paints", which demonstrates the results of mixing the primary colors -- in tandem with teaching by theme, we incorporate sub-themes, as well as fun with letters, numbers colors and shapes.

In addition to "Where is Thumbkin", Kelly taught everyone a new song, to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell", and, the words are as follows:


Mommy in the home,
Mommy in the home, (you choose the first child.)
Hi-ho the derry-o,
Mommy in the home.

Mommy takes a son,
Mommy takes a son, (mommy chooses a son.)
Hi-ho the derry-o,
Mommy takes a son.

. . . Son takes a daddy, daddy takes a daughter, daughter takes a sister, sister takes a grandma, (or nanna, or such), gramma takes a grandpa, grandpa takes a pet, and so on and so forth . . .

The family stands together,
The family stands together,
Hi-ho the derry-o,
The family stands together!!

(Whatever the mix of the family may be.)

We continue to sing and dance, and on Friday, during Orion's birthday celebration -- (thank you for the delicious muffins, Grace!!) -- at the insistance of the children -- we shut off the lights, closed the blinds, (they did arrive!!), and turned-on the disco ball, (my daughter, Julia, actually had one hidden in her room?!), and partied!!

We had another visitor, as well -- Meghan, an Early Childhood Education graduate, from Minuteman's C&THS, and her two children, MacKenzie and Jacob!!

I am planning to post the past and upcoming curriculum, for September, and, as a team, Kelly, Liz, Tammy, Sashi and I will keep it up-to-date, for your review, in the months to come.

Once I submit the Scholastic book orders, it may take two to three weeks for the books to arrive, and, when they do, I will distribute them, as quickly as possible.

Enjoy the week-end!!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Dear Everyone,

We now have several families following along on our blogsite -- our goal is a 100% participation rate -- thank you for your anticipated interest !!

With the number of parents ordering Scholastic books for their children, this month, I believe that we may be immediately eligible for multiplied bonus points, which means more literacy supplies for our Butterflies and Puppies -- yahoo!!

Today, we followed our daily schedule, quite nicely . . .

Because the kids could not decide what flavor muffins to bake, and because we had three choices, we made corn, blueberry, apple-cinnamon AND corn, blueberry and apple-cinnamon, combined -- this kitchen thing we have going on, now, is loads of fun, for all!!

We learned more about number and letter recognition, sounds, shapes and colors -- the children discovered that almost any color can be made with combinations of red, blue and yellow, and that lighter and different colors can be made by adding white.

We usually have music playing, and are singing and dancing, regularly -- thanks, Kel!! "Tootie-Ta" (English and Spanish), "Get Up and Go!!", "School Rules", "The Macarena Months", "The Days of the Week" and "My Big Red Car" are among our favorites, right now -- I have requested funding for a disco ball, to hang from the ceiling -- (just kidding!!)

At our scheduled Activity Time, we switched-off playing out on the deck, and, indoors, created family trees, decorated multi-cultural people shapes, read related books, did puzzles, and built with foam blocks -- as a result of said, our display boards are filling-up with wonderful artwork, and, lots of photos are being taken, of the children, in a variety of settings.

Although our friends from LABB were unable to make it, today, we were pleasantly surprised by a visit from Debbie Dew, Kirsten's mom, who joined us for lunch and entertainment!!

Our new blinds were supposed to arrive, today, which will further allow the teachers to make our house a home . . .

Please remember to send in light outerwear, with your children, and to check cubbies and mailboxes for paper and artwork -- thank you.

Nella Mattina!!

Love Miss Peacock XOXO

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Good Evening, All,

Firstly, my apologies to Kirsten, whose birthday is not until the 30th -- however -- we will be celebrating Orion's, on Friday, with muffins from home -- (thank you, Grace!!)

The children have now had two snacks of milk and cereal straws -- perhaps we will experiment with different flavors -- and -- speaking of flavors, how about those super-de-duper yummy wheat pancakes we made, this morning, (thank you, Kelly!!) -- we just love having a nice kitchen and "breakfast nook", in which to cook, bake and eat!!

Early today, we received a call from Mary Ellen Devlin, the Leader, (Extraordinaire, I might add), of Minuteman's Early Childhood Program, to tell us that the High School Students just had to see the kids, and, could we please meet them at the Football Field? Well, we cleaned-up, (sort-of), and off we went, for a walk, to gather with old and new friends -- what a joy, indeed!! (Thank you, Erin, for the personal escort!!)

Friends and Families, you should have heard the excited squeals and seen the oh-so-happy faces, (from and of the High-Schoolers), as they heard and saw the children approaching -- it was a beautiful sight . . .

We sang and played games, together, on the grass and in the sunshine -- it was difficult to say "good-bye" . . .

Tomorrow, our friends from the LABB Program, at Lexington High School, are planning to visit, and, beginning in October, they will be spending time with us, as they have, in the past, on Wednesday mornings -- LHS Seniors, as well, will be visiting, from time to time, so, things are really beginning to fall into place -- WOOHOO!!

The alphabet-bordered board, in the main room, is now decorated with the person-shaped collages completed, thus far -- it is starting to feel like "home" . . .

I am hoping to be able to report on the afternoon's activities, as well, and am told that yesterday, among other things, the kids really enjoyed using colorful pumps in the water table, outdoors, on the deck.

I will continue to collect Sholastic Book orders, tomorrow.

We are looking forward to another beautiful day -- our Butterflies and Puppies add something truly special to every day, regardless of the weather -- thank you, all, for sharing!!

Love Miss Peacock XOXO

Monday, September 14, 2009


Dear Friends and Families,

At the outset, I was thrilled to discover "followers" to our Blogsite (!!), and, would love to receive comments -- (thank you, in advance!!)

One of our parents mentioned, this morning, that she would like to address the children by name.

We can certainly provide information for arranging playdates, parties, or the like, and, for starters, what follows, is a list of our students and their groups:

Butterflies/Pre-K, Six Children:

Kevin, Kirsten, Nyah, Molly, Juliana and Noy

Puppies/Age 2 - Pre-K, 11 Children:

Orion, Gryffin, Sheena, Tyler, David, Charlotte, Ellie, John, Nicky, Philip and Defne

In fact, we have lots of siblings, and, TWO birthdays on Wednesday, the 16th -- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" TO ORION (TWO) AND KIRSTEN (FIVE)!!!!

We had a very special snack, this morning -- children and teachers sipped milk from bowls, with "cereal straws", and, then, were allowed to eat the sippers -- everyone drank their milk!!

Today, we began to follow our daily schedule, moreso, in preparation for properly teaching our Butterflies and Puppies, based on age and developmental level.

Miss Downing planned and implemented a wonderful Circle, in which we talked and sang about the beginning of the school year, making new friends and our families -- each child then drew, (with our Handwriting Without Tears crayons), a picture of him/herself, family members and/or pets.

We read two very engaging stories about kitties, "Bad Cat" and "Bad Kitty" -- (we, generally, do not use the word "bad", but, said books were exceptions -- they were F-U-N-N-Y!! and the descriptive was specific to the context of the tales.)

In keeping with our theme of family, pets and animals, we made 3-D collages in the shapes and colors of people, representing ourselves or other family members.

Our little ones thoroughly enjoy the dramatic play and book areas, and the conversations I hear are quite interesting as the kids don adult-like or character outfits and/or play in the castle.

Today's beautiful weather was enjoyed by all, as we played in the side yard.

As an aside, I am looking to place a friend's 14-year old Kitty, Disney, in a new home -- if anyone is interested, please let me know!!

(Thank you, Kelly, for the beautiful new hallway runner!!)



Saturday, September 12, 2009


Dear Friends and Families,

I wonder if any of you will have headed-out to "Acton Day", today, as it was not cancelled, and, our fearless leader, Kelly, is there, representing the Preschool, at the booth reserved for the Minuteman Career and Technical High School.

Ernie, Kelly, Tammy, Sashi, Liz & I were delighted at the number of parents that joined us on Thursday evening -- it is a joy to see the interest that you all have taken in the early childhood education of your "Butterflies" and "Puppies", and we look forward to healthful and productive relationships and communications -- thank you!!

Since I last wrote, the kids, and teachers alike, have continued to expand their horizons, and, with the arrival of (Liz) Dolham, within the next week or so, our curriculum will begin to take on additional structure.

On Thursday, we talked about and expressed our feelings by making faces -- the expressions that were most enjoyed by the children were "silly" and "angry"!!

We read the original Skippy Jon Jones, written and illustrated by Judy Schachner, in which Skippy says, in his best Spanish accent, " My ears are to beeg for my head, and, my head is to beeg for my body -- I am not a Siamese Cat, I am a Chihuaha!!" (I sure hope that I spelled that correctly -- my book is at School . . . )

"Momma's Magical Purse", by Paulette Bogen, was full of surprises, as her purse contained any and everything -- including the kitchen sink -- just like the carpet bag of the infamous Mary Poppins!!

Kelly led another tour around our School, reinforcing in what areas we do what activities, and, the children took turns playing on the deck and painting.

We sang and danced to Tootie-Ta, both days -- on Friday, we were accompanied by Dr. Jean's music, as well -- Kelly's I-Pod is up and running with lots of wonderful songs -- "Get Up and Go", "Days of the Week", "Months of the Year", Macarena-style, and "School Rules", to name a few -- "I Like Potatoes" is one of my personal favorites!!

Although Friday was initially cloudy and then rainy, we were lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time, outdoors, immersing ourselves in nature and playing running games with Kelly.

We read about "Cuddles the Cat" who turned out to be "Brian the Lion", how we are both the same and different as people in other parts of the World and then, on our Alphabet Rug in the Cubby Room, just before rest-time, matched-up Upper with Lower Case Letters, (laminated shirts and shorts), with Kelly.

Despite the rain, please enjoy the week-end, and, we are, as always, looking forward to another fun-filled week at the Child Development Center!!

Love Miss Peacock XOXO

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Good Evening, Friends and Families,

Today was filled with natural wonders!!

As "Jim" and "Chuck" were removing wood and delivering picnic tables, this morning, they discovered a baby "grass" snake, which I brought inside to share with the children -- our wriggly little friend opened its mouth, wide, as if to shout "put me down" and showed us its perfectly forked itty-bitty tongue -- after we "oohed" and "aahed" -- (honestly, it was an adorable little thing) -- I set him/her free.

And, because two more areas were clear, now, and Ms. Downing found some bright plastic diggers that had never been opened, our "Butterflies" and "Puppies" got to dig in and water the earth, where we will, eventually, plant -- perhaps the seeds gathered from the Sunflower, that Kelly and the kids examimed, will be the first ones to grow!!

Although today was a little bit cooler and somwhat breezier than yesterday and last week, we enjoyed playing outdoors, both on the deck and in the grass, and have, already, taken a myriad of photos to share!!

We read "The No-Nothings and Their Baby", which was about two very silly parents who loved little Betty and being a family, and later on, sang five verses of "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and "Tootie-Ta", which has been an old favorite of returning friends, and is becoming a new favorite of Butterflies and Puppies, alike.

Outside, we read "When I was Little" and "This is the House that Jack Built", in between baking cakes, washing babies and filling and dumping containers of birdseed and water.

Just before lunch, Tammy Goell performed "The Dress That I'll Wear to the Party", resplendant with atomizer and baubles, as I read the rebus-style book aloud -- (without a doubt, this was the "quietest" portion of the day, as all were excellent listeners!!)

And, as you will see tomorrow morning, we have just begun to decorate our "Dot Wall" with artwork!!

Please remember that Parent Night is tomorrow evening, (Thursday), and that Scholastic Book Orders are due on September 16th -- please make sure to check mailboxes and cubbies for information -- we look forward to yet another day of fun at our continually-evolving Center!!

Love Miss Peacock XOXO

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week Number Two!!

Dear Families and Friends,

I do hope that all of you had an enjoyable Labor Day week-end -- at our morning meeting, today, the children shared happy moments spent in sunny weather!!

Today was filled with many new activities, such as the castle on the lawn, bubbles in the deck's water table, baby dolls and strollers and balls and wheelbarrows -- we spent a great deal of time outdoors, writing with chaulk, (thank you, Miss Sashi), and observing two very large and leggy Daddy Long Legs!!

We are planning to decorate our "Dot Wall", (located in the front hallway), with related art, and, our second dot-themed activity consisted of the Dot candy and toothpick sculptures, which should have come home, today.

We read, at different points, throughout the day, both indoors and outdoors -- "Philippe in Monet's Garden", in the morning, and, "Make Way for Ducklings", in the afternoon, and sang songs by Skippy Jon Jones.

While on the deck, we shared stories of pets and other animals, as I showed our little ones pictures of cats, in many different shapes and colors.

We continue to learn and practice letter and number recognition and notice different colors and shapes.

Please know that not only the children, but also the teachers, thoroughly enjoy celebrations such as birthdays and holidays -- we especially welcome cultural learning, and, for example, look very forward to the day Miss Sashi wears her native dress of India and teaches us some new words!! So, do feel quite comfortable arranging some time to come into the School to share something of special interest.

We anticipate the continuance of another fun-filled week at the Child Development Center -- our little friends are doing wonderfully and making many new friends!!

Love Miss Peacock XOXO

Friday, September 4, 2009


Dear Families and Friends,

Welcome to our blog site for Butterflies, (Pre-K), and Puppies, (Toddlers and Children transitioning into Pre-K)!!

Perhaps I will begin by adding a little something to Kelly's first post -- the little ones are doing beautifully!! The minimal amount of separation anxiety that we have experienced, thus far, is beginning to diminish, already, and, we must all continue to be patient with parents as well as children -- yes -- parents(!!) -- a friend that is a middle-school teacher at my daughter's school, said that he began to tear-up as his youngest son headed-off to his "junior" year of college!! They are always our babies . . .

Well, now -- the first week . . .

The kids have been very accepting of all of the change that is taking place, in fact -- awed -- by some things, such as the building of the playground.

We have spent a great deal of time outdoors, exploring our new surroundings, having already taken a walk along the path that leads to the High School, to Kelly's great joy!!

We have started to utilize riding toys, hoola hoops and balls, engage in sensory activities and play a myriad of games -- Mrs. (Tammy) Goell continues to be our best hoola-hooper, although I have taken many photos of the competition!!

I rarely walk around, inside or outside, without at least one book in my hand, so, the children have heard many stories, which have been linked to discussions and simple art projects.

Once our new copier is delivered, we will be distributing daily reports to all of our students, which detail the highlights of their days -- in the meantime, you will find many hand-written comments on festive papers -- I trust that all of you received cut-outs of pastry-chef hats noting that we made some truly delicious raspberry muffins on Thursday!!

Our theme for the month of September is Family and Pets/Animals, although we will continue to spend the second week touring the school, becoming familiar with the routine and getting to know each other -- we have been learning songs containing the names of our new playmates and some new friendships have begun to blossom in just the very first days!!

As one large group, initially, we are learning about colors and combinations of said, shapes, letters and numbers.

On Tuesday, you will find Scholastic Book Orders in your mailboxes -- Scholastic offers a wonderful and inexpensive means to building home libraries for your children, as well as to earn additional books for our Center!! (I, of course, have already submitted my order, as there still exist a few picture books I do not yet own!!)

Among the vast array of offerings are some delightful choices for the Fall, "The Kissing Hand" and a five-verse version of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".

Tuesday morning, you will notice significant improvements to our space, such as gates that have been painted, boards that have been hung and a deck full of new learning centers, to name a few!!

Next Thursday, which is Family Night, our "theme" will be "Making Your Mark", inspired by "The Dot", written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, and will entail each of us painting a dot on the wall of the Cubby Room, to commemorate the great beginning at Minuteman's Child Development Center.

Please know that my schedule is generally from 08:30 - 01:30, Monday - Thursday, and that I make myself very available to families.

Have a stellar Labor-Day week-end, and, we all look very forward to seeing you, beginning Tuesday morning!!

Love Miss Peacock, on behalf of Miss Downing, Mrs. Goell and Miss Sashi, as well!! XOXO

First Week of School

Good Afternoon,
We have now completed 4 days of school and love the group of children attending our new center. We have just been casually getting to know the children as well as them knowing us in a very flexible, happy, caring and learning environment. Some will be expected to have separation anxiety and missing moms, dads and other family members. Others will have no problem saying bye and head for all the toys to play with in our preschool.

Thank you for your patience's and support with all the transitions among this new center. As a family oriented team here at Minuteman, everyone has been helping with 110% of support, to design a high quality, care and educational center for all of our children.

This blog page is for you and other family members to read and keep track of what we are learning, exploring and experimenting with as a class. Circle time will be a time that the children will separate into two age appropriate groups and enjoy a theme related book, music and movement and age appropriate skills.

I am so happy to announce that I have hired a new team member, whom will be joining us in 2 weeks! Her name is Mrs. Dolham , she will be the Puppies Lead Teacher with Assistant Teacher Ms. Peacock (Ms. Sacco). I am anticipating all of you to meet her outgoing, caring personality with a genuine love for children. I will let her share more of herself with you when she begins in our new Center.

This is one way, we communicate with family members and are very accepting to receive any comments and/or suggestions left under each post. Please feel free and comfortable to contact any of the teachers or myself at anytime of the day or night via phone call or email.


Have fun & Keep Smiling! :)